Swatchatha Andholan was held on Nov 1, 2014 by Alangar Church and St. Thomas Educational Institutions in collaboration with Lions Club, Alanagr. Catholic Sabha and ICYM Alangar. Smt. Supriya D. Shetty, President of Moodbidri Muncipality hoisted the Kannada Flag and inaugurated the Andholan. "Clean India is our first responsibility" was the slogan.  Parish priest and correspondent Fr. Basil Vas  presided over the program and Clean India is possible only when every ctizen is aware of his responsibility to maintain a clean India. The president of the Lions Club Mr. Manohar Cutinha, Mr. Jerald Lobo, Vice President of Parish Council, Mr. Santhosh Rodrigues, Secretary of Parish Council, Mr. P. K. Thomas, Member of Town Municipality and President of Catholic Sabha, Mr. Anish D'Souza, Panchayat Member and President of ICYM, Sr. Felicita, Head Mistress of St. Thomas English Medium School, Sr. Helen Goveas, HM of Kannada Medium School, Parishioners, the parents, the staff and the students were present. They went in 4 groups and collected more than 25 bags of waste material from the streets.

















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